About the Journal


Journal title: “The journal of telemedicine and e-Health”

The journal is registered by the Federal service for supervision of communications, information technologies and mass communications, certificate PI no. FS 77-68781 dated 17.02.2017

  • ISSN print 2712-9217
  • ISSN online 2712-9225

Publication form: Journal (scientific and practical periodical)

Address and details of the editorial office: 105094, Moscow, Russia Zolotaya st. 11

Review: Double blind review


  • Free access to the electronic full text version
  • Mailing list for the mandatory print version
  • Subscribe to the print version

Edition language: Russian (abstracts in Russian and English)

Subject and specialization:

  • e-health
  • telemedicine
  • medical informatics and cybernetics
  • mobile health
  • health organization
  • distance learning
  • insurance medical telematics
  • medical equipment
  • biomedical engineering
  • bioinformatics

Capacity (cond.print.l.): 10,0

Format: 60x84 1/8

Circulation: 1000

Frequency: 4-6 issues per year


  • The editorial word
  • Problematic articles
  • Original research
  • To the practitioner
  • Lectures
  • Reviews and discussions
  • Notes from practice
  • BRICS-telemedicine
  • Reviews
  • Memorable date
  • Historical essays
  • Conference proceedings
  • E-education

“The journal of telemedicine and eHealth” is the official media partner of the International Society for Telemedicine and e-Health.

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