Application Tool for Improvement of the Metrics of Unread and Unevaluated Teleconsultations of the Telehealth Center-Huufma

H.O.Serra, R.S. Silva, N. de S. Lima, L.B. Maia, A.M. dos Reis, R.C.Santos, A.B.Maia

The Brazil Telehealth Networks Programme is a project that contributes to the quality of services provided by the Unified Health System (SUS), which offers conditions to promote Tele-assistance and Tele-education. In the area of tele-assistance, the Telehealth Centre of the University Hospital of the Federal University of Maranhão (NTS-HUUFMA) has built up Teleconsultation services, which provide communication tools to assist health professionals. The process of a teleconsultation starts with a question on the online platform and finishes with the response sent by a qualified health professional. Previously, monitoring of this task was done by using a digital spreadsheet. It was necessary to develop an application to monitor and manage the inactivated and unevaluated teleconsultations. Before the development of the system, the Telehealth Centre had around 25% of teleconsultations that were not responded to, and this number has decreased significantly since its deployment.

Conflict of interest. The author declare no conflict of interest

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teleconsultation, telemedicine, information technology management in health care, telehealth system

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