Number №4, 2024 - page 20-25

Remote diagnostics of an implanted foreign body in the cornea of the eye on board a merchant sea vessel DOI: 10.29188/2712-9217-2024-10-4-20-25

For citation: Logunov K.V. Remote diagnostics of an implanted foreign body in the cornea of the eye on board a merchant sea vessel. Russian Journal of Telemedicine and E-Health 2024;10(4):20-25;
  • Logunov K.V. – Dr. Sci., professor, St. Petersburg University, Medicon LLC; Saint Petersburg, Russia; RSCI Author ID 369707,

A case from the practice of remote support of maritime merchant shipping, demonstrating the features of organizing medical care for shipboard personnel during voyages and the possibility of using a regular smartphone camera for targeted diagnostics of an implanted foreign body in the cornea. The algorithm of actions of a medical worker in the event of the impossibility of timely evacuation of the victim to the hospital, forced treatment on board, delayed provision of qualified assistance, which ended in a favorable outcome, is considered.

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marine medicine; remote healthcare; eye injury; remote diagnostics; telemedicine

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