Number №1, 2021 - page 25-34

Telemedical solutions for instrumental diagnostics at home in a patient in a pandemic DOI: 10.29188/2542-2413-2021-7-1-25-34

For citation: Ivanov A.A. Telemedical solutions for instrumental diagnostics at home in a patient in a pandemic. Journal of Telemedicine and E-Health 2021;7(1):25-34;
  • Ivanov A.A. – EEG product manager, head of the product management department of Neurosoft LLC; Ivanovo, Moscow

Introduction. Currently, a fairly large number of mobile portable medical diagnostic devices have been created that can be used at home, especially during a pandemic. Modern complexes allow medical personnel to remotely view the recorded data in real time via the Internet and, if necessary, instruct the patient.

Goal. Review of new mobile portable medical diagnostic devices that can be used at patient’s home.

Materials and methods. The article tests and analyzes the operation of a wireless wearable EEG recorder, a telemedicine system for cardiac rehabilitation at home, as well as the use of telemedicine solutions in the Protecting Brains and Saving Futuries project.

Results. The possibilities of telemedicine in the field of instrumental diagnostics are demonstrated. The doctor can view the data and form recommendations for the treatment of the patient, being thousands of kilometers away.

Conclusion. Full-fledged instrumental diagnostics, cloud storage systems with remote access will soon become part of everyday clinical practice.

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telemedicine; instrumental diagnostics; pandemic; video monitoring; teleconsultations

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