Melehin A.I. - list of author publications

The article presents the theoretical foundations of distance cognitive behavioral therapy (c-CBT) along with therapy aimed at modifying cognitive bias both from attention and action (CBM). Based on...
The article describes clinical manifestations of repetitive traumatic behavior directed (focused) on the body or skin picking disorder. The spectrum of forms of repetitive traumatic behavior directed...
The article describes the relationship of health anxiety with other types of anxiety disorders. It is shown that, unlike ICD11, in DSM-V, the term hypochondria was replaced by a disorder of distorted...
Chronic visceral pain, which increases with stress, is a hallmark of functional gastrointestinal disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Modern pharmacological interventions, diets...
Introduction. For the last year chronic insomnia is one of the most widespread sleeping disorders among the population in general. About 30-54% of population report about symptoms of insomnia and...
Introduction. Telemedicine for tinnitus and Meniere's disease can be implemented at various stages: diagnosis, initial clinical and psychological assessment, long-term follow-up and online...
Introduction: Over the past year, the frequency of visits by patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome, has significantly increased. Materials and...

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