Implementing and monitoring the teleconsulting service of national network of specialists in cervical cancer

A.B.Silva, F.B.Russomano, M.A. Novaes

Cervical cancer is a malignant neoplasia, which has a high incidence in women worldwide and in Brazil. Failure in prevention and early detection results in an average mortality of 50% of the cases, with enormous expenses for the health system and years of life lost. This research seeks to contribute to the effectiveness of the actions of the Cervical Cancer Control Programme through the rational use of resources and exchange of knowledge among professionals of different levels by implementing an electronic teleconsulting system and providing information to primary care health professionals, discussing access to the new Brazilian guidelines for the screening of cervical cancer. We did a narrative review during the pre-intervention to determine different types of telehealth assessment. This review indicated that there is a lack of mixed-approach evaluative research of telehealth activities. We then conducted a descriptive evaluative study in which, a deployment analysis will be conducted with the basic health units and reference services for cervical cancer prevention in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during the implementation of HealthNet teleconsulting service. There is a desktop version and health professionals are very motivated. Teleconsultants can make a Formative Second Opinion library that will support the professionals in prevention of the cancer.

Conflict of interest. The author declare no conflict of interest

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telehealth, cervical cancer, education

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