Number №2, 2022 - page 7-20

Mobile applications for mental health self-management: a review of customers’ opinions DOI: 10.29188/2712-9217-2022-8-2-7-20

For citation: Rozanov V.A., Samerkhanova K.M. Mobile applications for mental health self-management: a review of customers’ opinions. Russian Journal of Telemedicine and E-Health 2022;8(2)7-20;
  • Rozanov V.A. – Dr. Med. Sci., Prof. Professor at the Chair of Health Psychology and Deviant Behaviours, St.Petersburg State University, Chief Scientist, V.M.Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology; Saint-Petersburg, Russia;
  • Samerkhanova K.M. – undergraduate student, Department of Psychology, St. Petersburg State University; Saint-Petersburg, Russia;

Aim of the study. Analysis of users’ reviews of mobile applications for mental health and self-management of anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts.

Material and methods. We have searched for applications containing at least 50 reviews in Russian and downloaded at least 5000 times in Google Play. In the study reviews of 7 domestic and 5 English-language applications were analyzed using the principles of thematic analysis.

Results. Positive reviews prevailed over negative ones, the greatest interest of users is directed towards emotion diaries and chat-bots. The main topics of negative reviews concerned technical inconveniences, interfering advertising and poor design. However, a lot of critical comments have been revealed regarding the content – formulations, tests, recommendations and methods of assistance.

Conclusions. Mental health apps represent a growing group of apps with a significant potential. Their development requires high professionalism and understanding specific features of the user group they are aimed at.

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mobile apps; mental health; self-management; users’ reviews

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