Number №4, 2021 - page 48-57

Protection of personal data of patients when using telemedicine technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic DOI: 10.29188/2712-9217-2021-7-4-48-57

For citation: Monakov D.M., Shaderkina V.A., Reva S.A., Gritskevich A.A. Protection of patients' personal data when using telemedicine technologies during the COVID-19 pandemic. Russian Journal of Telemedicine and E-Health 2021;7(4):48-57;

Monakov D.M. – MD, PhD, urologist of the consultative department of the ССН im. S.P. Botkin; Moscow, Russia; assistant of the department of urology and operative nephrology with the course of oncourology of the Peoples' friendship university of Russia;

Shaderkina V.A. – MD, scientific editor of the urological information portal; Moscow, Russia;

Reva S.A. – MD, PhD, head of the Department of oncology No6 (of andrology and oncourology), Research Center of Urology, Pavlov First St. Petersburg State, Medical University, St. Peters- burg, Russia; researcher, N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology; Saint-Petersburg, Russia;

Gritskevich A.A. – MD, PhD, Professor of the Department of Urology with the course of oncology, radiology and andrology of Peoples' friendship university of Russia, the head of the Urology department of A.V. Vishnevsky National Medical Research Center of Surgery; Moscow, Russia;


Introduction. The pandemic of COVID-19 has promoted the development of information and telemedicine technologies but also has risen some questions about their challenges. One of them is the secure of personal data. This review is aim to discuss those issues.

Materials and methods. We have sought publications in the databases PubMed, e-Library, Google Scholar, Guarantor, Consultant and on the official websites of Russian state institutions using the keywords «personal data», «telemedicine», «protection», «threats», «personal data», «security», «threats», «telemedicine». Forty three publications were found and included in this review.

Results. The review presents the basic concepts related to personal data, lists the types of threats to them and the levels of security, systematizes measures to ensure the protection of personal data and provides a brief description of them. The features of the collection, processing, storage and use of personal data when using telemedicine technologies are also outlined. Discussion. Personal data may be collected for administrative, scientific, commercial or criminal purposes. The emergence of modern "big data" technologies has greatly facilitated the process of data collection and processing, as well as access to them, but also increased their vulnerability. The process of information protection requires the complex application of various legal, organizational and technical measures, which requires significant financial, material and time costs. For the rational use of resources, information requiring protection is grouped by security levels, which are determined by the category, characteristics of the data and the type of threats to them.

Conclusions. The current legislative principles of regulation in this area are significantly lagging behind the rapid development of technologies, which requires a fundamental revision of them. To date, the leading role in ensuring the security of personal data belongs to organizational and technical measures.

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personal data; telemedicine; protection; threats

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