Number №4, 2022 - page 61-71

Development of digital technologies and medical equipment during the period of sanctions DOI: 10.29188/2712-9217-2022-8-4-61-71

For citation: Shaderkin I.A., Shaderkina V.A. Development of digital technologies and medical products during the period of sanctions. Russian Journal of Telemedicine and E-Health 2022;8(4):61-71;
  • Shaderkin I.A. – MD, PhD, Head of the Laboratory of Electronic Health, Institute of Digital Medicine, Sechenov University; Moscow, Russia;
  • Shaderkina V.A. – Scientific editor of the urological information portal;

After February 24, 2022, a number of countries imposed sanctions on Russia - political, financial, energy, technological, transport and logistics, and personal. At the time of writing, Russia is the country with the largest number of sanctions against it in world history. We reviewed the development of digital technologies and medical equipment during the period of sanctions, the adaptation of Russian developers, scientists, doctors to sanctions, as well as the prospects and forecasts for the impact of sanctions on the development of telemedicine. The article deals with the issues of export and import of telemedicine solutions, changes in personnel (scientists, developers, programmers, engineers, doctors, patients) and legal structures, access to resources for the creation and development of telemedicine technologies (consumables, libraries, development environments, etc. .). Models of investments in telemedicine technologies – venture and dividend ones - are analyzed, and the prevailing one is determined. Attention is paid to adaptation to the sanctions that began to form compensatory over the past year. Despite the fact that the sanctions have a negative focus, for the Russian TM industry, this can be a good incentive for development. Russian developers have every chance to create unique domestic solutions for telemedicine technologies that will improve the availability and quality of medical care for Russian patients.

teh_no482022_shad.pdf11.63 MB
sanctions; telemedicine; digital technologies; medical products

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