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II Всероссийский форум по телемедицине, цифровизации здравоохранения и медицинскому маркетингу «ТЕЛЕМЕДФОРУМ 2019»
Эффективность телемедицинских консультаций «пациент-врач»
Телереабилитация: рандомизированное исследование исходов
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2. The Remote Monitoring of Patients with Congestive Heart Failure:The Organizational
Remote screening of athletes' condition dynamics based on the analysis of cardiointervalograms using the Dirichlet distribution DOI: 10.29188/2542-2413-2020-6-4-19-27
For citation:
Levanov V.M., Ilyakhinsky A.V., Mukhina I.V., Pakhomov P.A., Gurenko S.B. Remote screening of
athletes' condition dynamics based on the analysis of cardiointervalograms using the Dirichlet distribution. Journal of
Telemedicine and E-Health 2020;6(4):19-27;
Levanov V.M. – Dr. Sc., professor, department of social medicine and healthcareFSBEI HE «Volga Research Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Minin and Pozharsky Square, 10/1, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, SSC RF – «Institute of Biomedical Problems, RAS, Moscow»; Moscow, Russia;
Ilyakhinsky A.V. – PhD of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences – Branch of the State Budgetary Scientific Institution «Federal Research Center Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences»; head of the project of LLC «Scientific Research Center ATENON»; Moscow, Russia
Mukhina I.V. – professor, D.Sc. in Biology, Head of the Department Department of Normal Physiology named after N.Y. Belenkov FSBEI HE «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» Ministry of Health of Russia; Professor of the Department of Neurotechnologies of the Institute of Biology and Biomedicine FSBEI HE «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» Ministry of Health of Russia; Moscow, Russia;
Pakhomov P.A. – programmer-developer of LLC «Scientific Research Center ATENON»; Moscow, Russia
Gurenko S.B. – general Director of LLC «Scientific Research Center ATENON»; Moscow, Russia
Introduction. Health of people involved in sports is an important social problem and requires modern methods of control, including directly during training and competitions. The article discusses the possibilities of a diagnostic method based on the assessment of heart rate variability. Unlike most of the methods used, the analysis is based on the fact that complex multi-level hierarchically organized systems can be described in the framework of non-equilibrium thermodynamics, in particular, the statistical Dirichlet distribution model. The authors propose a system of indicators that allow remote monitoring of the current state of the body, describe hardware and software solutions, and consider the prospects for using the proposed method in sports medicine.