Telemedicine: history, analysis of a state and prospects DOI: 10.29188/2542-2413-2018-4-3-103-110

I.B. Maksimov1, A.N. Diashev2, V.I. Sinopalnikov3, G.I. Semikin3, P.A. Lukyanov4, A.A. Ponomarev1, G.S. Hovakimyan5

  1. 1JSC «RT-Medicine», Moscow, Russian Federation
  2. 2 Median Foundation, Moscow, Russian Federation
  3. 3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russian Federation
  4. 4 Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, Moscow, Russian Federation
  5. 5 Iterika Company, Moscow, Russian Federation

Paper generalize the world experience in development and application of telemedicine technologies, data mining methodology, predicative, variable models of decision support systems. There are some issues in personal patient data protection, and application of blockchain for medical information systems development. This paper has two main objectives: 1) analysis of existing telemedicine technologies for identification of problems and prospects, 2) development of recommendations for further researches in the system of personalized telemedicine.

Conflict of interest. The author declare no conflict of interest

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telemedicine, telehealth, health, medical care

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