E-education in the rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system

I. Frederix1 , L. Janssen2, A. Geurden2, P. Dendale1

  • 1 Jessa Hospital, Hasselt
  • 2 Antwerp University, Antwerpen, Belgium

Rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular disease can reduce mortality and reduce the number of risk factors associated with the severity of the disease and the development of complications. Rehabilitation programmes are increasingly using information technologies to communicate to patients the importance of rehabilitation and a healthy lifestyle to prevent recurrence of the disease and complications; this concept is called e-education. In the presented review, the literature data are analyzed and modern views on the possibilities of e-education in the organization and rehabilitation are presented.

Conflict of interest. The author declare no conflict of interest

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e-education, rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases

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